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  • In this tutorial, we will use a hospital records management system to demonstrate the library's usage. The example below shows an example to render a patient records table.

Backend Integration

  1. Import the TablesModule from @sisitech/tables in your app.module.ts.
  import { TablesModule } from '@sisitech/tables';

    imports: [
      // ...
  1. Configure authConfig with the appropriate authentication settings for your backend API.

Frontend Integration

In your component's HTML file (e.g., immunize.component.html), use the <my-app-tables> element to display your data table. Customize it according to your needs. Here's a sample usage:

<div class="">
    deletePreText="Do you wish to delete"

MyTables Inputs

Here is a breakdown of the different inputs passed to MyTables:

Inputs Is Required Description
listTypeUrl URL to fetch data for the table.
headers Configuration for table headers.
alerts x An array of alerts for user notifications.
deletePreText ✖️ Text displayed before a delete confirmation message.
deleteFieldDisplayField ✖️ Field used to display data for delete confirmation.
enableView ✖️ Enable viewing details of table entries.
enableDelete ✖️ Enable deleting entries from the table.
enableAdd ✖️ Enable adding new entries to the table.
formFilters ✖️ Filters for the table.
args ✖️ Additional arguments for the table.
searchFieldName ✖️ Field used for searching.
searchFieldNameMessage ✖️ Message displayed for the search field.
enableOrderBy ✖️ Enable sorting by columns in the table.

MyTables Configuration

  • This section includes the initialization of variables, such as dataMap and alerts. The ngOnInit method is called when the component is initialized.
  • The class members below define configuration settings for MyTables, such as args, enableDelete, enableOrderBy, url, and instance.

  args = {}
  enableDelete = true;
  enableOrderBy = true;
  url: string = "api/v1/vaccines"
  instance: any;

Handling Filters - The onFilters method is called when filters are applied, and it updates the formFilters variable.

  onFilters(filters: any) {
    this.formFilters = filters

MyHeaders Configuration

  • The myHeaders array contains configuration for table headers. You can define how each column should be displayed here.
  • The myHeaders array in your component specifies the configuration for table headers. Each item in the array defines how a column should be displayed. For example:
  • "source" represents the field name in your data source.
  • "name" is the display name for the column.
  • "source_func" allows you to apply custom formatting to the data.
  • "source_interpolated" lets you combine multiple fields for display.
  myHeaders = [
      "source": "id",
      "name": "Patient ID"
      "source_interpolated": "@first_name @middle_name# @last_name#",
      "name": "Full Name"
      "name": "Created FUnc",
      "source_func": (val: any) => {
        var date = "@created#".interpolate(val).split("T")[0]
        return date.toDateDisplay()

      "source": "dob",
      "name": "Date Of Birth"
      "source": "gender",
      "name": "Gender"
      "source": "guardian_name",
      "name": "Guardian Name"
      "source": "guardian_phone",
      "name": "Guardian Phone"

Handling Deletion Status

  • The onDeleteStatus method handles deletion status. It updates the alerts array with a notification when a vaccine is deleted.
  onDeleteStatus(instance: any) {
    if (typeof instance != "boolean") {
      this.alerts = [
          options: { level: "danger" },
          message: "Vaccine  @name# deleted.",
          instance: instance,

Handling Actions

  • The handleActions method is called when actions are triggered in the table, such as editing or viewing details.
  • It navigates to the appropriate routes and interacts with the view modal.
  async handleActions(event: any) {
    this.instance = null
    if ( == "Edit") {
      const data =;
      console.log(data, 'customers')
      await this.route.navigate(['../customers/add'], { state: data });
    } else if ( == "Add") {
      const data =;
      this.instance = data
      console.log(data, 'add');

      if (!this.viewModalRef) {
        console.log("✖️ button found")
      const viewModalButton = this.viewModalRef.nativeElement as HTMLButtonElement
    } else if ( == "View") {
      const data =;
      this.instance = data
      console.log(data, 'View');
      if (!this.viewModalRef2) {
        console.log("✖️ button found")
      const viewModalButton2 = this.viewModalRef2.nativeElement as HTMLButtonElement

Rendered Table

  • The image below shows the expected final output of the rendered table:
