Adobe Animate
The Absolute Basics
Started off as Macromedia Flash before it was bought by Adobe and rebranded to Adobe Animate.
Used for making animations, interactive web content using action script / HTML5.
Inside Adbobe Animate
Create a new project.
The center area is known as a stage; where the magic happens.
Tools (Toolbar Interface)
Selection tool - select an object and move it around
Free transform tool - scale an object
Laso tool - create unique shapes from objects (substractive)
Fluid brush tool
Pencil tool
Shape tool - Drawing shapes e.g. circle, square etc
Line tool - Drawing lines
Text tool - Typography
Eraser tool
Paint bucket tool - Fill an area with color
Eye Dropper tool
Camera tool
Rotation tool
Zoom tool
Library Panel
- Hold all imported assets into the project
Frame Panel
Window that allows to animate objects
Frame - You can insert a keyframe on a frame
Keyframe - has a black dot in it. Allows for actual animation of objects
Random Notes
Use the align tool to center an imported image in the stage
Animating on twos as an animation methodology (1,3,5,7 etc)
Adobe Animate 2022 - The Absolute Basics