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17th March 2022

Last Week's Overview



🚩 BASIC 🚩 : Include our node package documentation


  1. Sisitech charts

Next Week's To Do


Angular Libarries

  1. Include assets into Setting Up Angular Libraries documentation.
  2. Implement social-footer component using the above.
  3. Implement resposnisiveness classes
  4. Implement sisitech chart library

Sisitech Svg Animations and Icons

  1. Implement svg inline animations
  2. Managing multiple icon projects on IcoMoon
  3. Implement Icon List component
  4. Implement sisitech logos

Sisitech Schematics

  1. Extend sisitech schematics to include assets into sisitech libraries scaffold
  2. Update Sisitech schematics docs to include the automated and manual process. Ref Sisitech schematics
  3. Add a readme in the newly generated libary with setup commands.Ref Sisitech schematics
  4. Rename @Component selector to have the sistech prefix

Onekana Dashboard

  1. Importation of the old database into the new Onekana dashboard.
  2. Mirror the client's instance and setting up our APIs. [NEW]
  3. Add dropdown arrow in myforms for input fields. [NEW]

Onekana App

  1. Add offline functionality (login, mark attendance and adding learners). [NEW]
  2. Increase input size of other (reason for absence). [NEW]

Angular Navbar

  1. Implement inputs, outputs and event emmitters
  2. Implement sidebar navigation
  3. Implement profile navbar
  4. Documentation
  5. Implement responsiveness


  1. Angular Inputs and Outputs (events)
  2. Using charts with svgs
  3. Svg Animations
  4. Grids, Layouts and Responsiveness
  5. Research on different types of componenent selectors (attribute, class, component name e.t.c)
  6. A/B Testing
  7. Web 3.0
  8. Technology behind blockchain and it's applications
  9. Research on KoboToolbox (Table, Reports, Gallery, Downloads, Map) [NEW]
