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Setting up Mixpanel for Flutter

Getting Started

In order to use Mixpanel on your flutter project, it's pretty much straightforwrd. Install the current version of Mixpanel by adding it as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml

  mixpanel_flutter: ^2.2.0


To use Mixpanel, we are leveraging on GetX for state management. Our custom Sisitech Mixpanel library exposes a MixPanelController that takes a mixpanel Token and MixpanelOptions. The current options include :

  const MixpanelOptions({
    this.enableAnonymous = true,
    this.enabled = true,
    this.persistentAnonymous = true,
    this.disableInDebug = true,

In your main() function, add mixpanel and pass the token as below.

void main() async {
    MixPanelController(mixpanelToken: "your_mixpanel_token"),

In order to track an event, fetch the MixPanelController using GetX. Ensure you use try and catch in case miXpanel is not initialized.

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    bool mixPanelEnabled = false;
    MixPanelController? mixCont;
    try {
      mixCont = Get.find<MixPanelController>();
      mixPanelEnabled = true;
    } catch (e) {
      mixPanelEnabled = false;

pass the track() property as below in your onPressed() function to start tracking an event.

  onTap: () {
      properties: {"item_title": item.title},

NOTE: All tracking happens in the specific Sisitech library. In order to expand a feature you will need to do it in the library.

Under The Hood

The mixpanel library is found in Sisitech's Flutter Utils. The library folder contains two files: mixpanel.dart and mixpanel_controller.dart.

The mixpanel file contains an initMixpanel() function that sets up your product for initialization.

import 'package:mixpanel_flutter/mixpanel_flutter.dart';

Future<Mixpanel> initMixpanel(token, {trackAutomaticEvents=true}) async {
    // dprint('mixpanel init');
    var mixpanel = await Mixpanel.init(token, trackAutomaticEvents: trackAutomaticEvents);
    return mixpanel;

The mixpanel_controller file contains different functions used to track Mixpanel events.

import 'package:flutter_auth/flutter_auth_controller.dart';
import 'package:flutter_utils/flutter_utils.dart';
import 'package:flutter_utils/mixpanel/mixpanel.dart';
import 'package:get/get.dart';
import 'package:mixpanel_flutter/mixpanel_flutter.dart';

class MixpanelOptions {
  final bool enableAnonymous;
  final bool enabled;
  final bool persistentAnonymous;
  final bool disableInDebug;
  const MixpanelOptions({
    this.enableAnonymous = true,
    this.enabled = true,
    this.persistentAnonymous = true,
    this.disableInDebug = true,

class MixPanelController extends GetxController {
  late String mixpanelToken;
  Mixpanel? _mixpanel;
  late MixpanelOptions options;
  AuthController authController = Get.find<AuthController>();

      {required this.mixpanelToken, this.options = const MixpanelOptions()});

  void onInit() {

  get mixpanel {
    return _mixpanel;

  saveAnonymousId() {}

  getSavedAnonymousId() {}

  getAnonymouseuser() {
    // Save a unique id to local storage and use it everytime
    // The key should be passed when initializing.
    if (options.enableAnonymous && options.persistentAnonymous) {
      // Save or get
    return "Anonymous";

  get isDisAbled {
    if (options.disableInDebug) {
      return false;
    // Check if anonymous mode enalbed
    if (!authController.isAuthenticated$.value && !options.enableAnonymous) {
      return false;
    return options.enabled;

  getUser() {
    var anymousProfile = {"username": getAnonymouseuser()};
    Map<String, dynamic> profile;
    if (authController.isAuthenticated$.value) {
      profile = authController.profile.value ?? anymousProfile;
          "Mixpanel User ${authController.profile.value?["username"]} initialized.");
    } else {
      profile = anymousProfile;
    return profile;

  initializeMixPanel(MixpanelOptions options) async {
    if (isDisAbled) {
          "Mixpanel disabled,disableInDebug:${options.disableInDebug} enabled:${options.enabled}");
    _mixpanel = await initMixpanel(mixpanelToken);
    var profile = getUser();

  track(String eventName, {Map<String, dynamic>? properties}) {
    _mixpanel?.track(eventName, properties: properties);

  timeEvent(String eventName) {

Most importantly, initializeMixPanel and track functions are most resourcesful. You can add new functions in the controller i.e. getAnonymouseuser()
